Thursday, June 4, 2009

Summer Time!

Well Summer started this week! Yay! I am so excited for Austin. The school year seemed to take forever. I have been working like crazy, four days strait last week. Needless to stay, it was a long week. Austin did great in the third grade! All A's and B's. Good job Austin, your moving to the fourth grade. You earned it baby! Autumn is ready to start kingergarten. She is going to love it. I am going to be so sad though. What am I going to do without my baby girl. Well I am hoping Josh will be home in the next few weeks, we can hope right! Its been nine weeks! Yikes! I would of never thought we could make it this long without him. Its Hard! Well I just wanted to make a little post about our busy lives! Hope everyone is enjoying there summers!


  1. Yay Aussie! I cannot believe it has been 9 weeks! Hopefully not many more! Love you guys! :)

  2. 9 weeks already?!? Now I say already, but I am sure that's not the word you have in mind. :)

    By the way, to answer your comment from the other day, we are in Boise, ID. We absolutely love it (been here almost a year now). Great weather, a lot like the 'slow, but without the wind. Great camping and hiking. Now if there was a Root Beer Stand here, life would be perfect :) Trace (hubby) got out of the Air Force just over a year ago, and is changing careers. Meanwhile, I work at a pharmacy and try to survive mommyhood :)

  3. I'm so happy for Autumn. She is going to love it! Hubby being gone sucks. Im so glad he is back! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
